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A Popper can be used to display some content on top of another. It's an alternative to react-popper.

Some important features of the Popper component:

  • 🕷 Popper relies on the 3rd party library (Popper.js) for perfect positioning.
  • 💄 It's an alternative API to react-popper. It aims for simplicity.
  • 📦 10 kB gzipped (7 kB from Popper.js).
  • The children is Portal to the body of the document to avoid rendering problems. You can disable this behavior with disablePortal.
  • The scroll isn't blocked like with the Popover component. The placement of the popper updates with the available area in the viewport.
  • Clicking away does not hide the Popper component. If you need this behavior, you can use ClickAwayListener - see the example in the menu documentation section.
  • The anchorEl is passed as the reference object to create a new Popper.js instance.

Simple Popper

Minimalist Popper

You can use the component with zero extra dependencies.

Scroll playground

Scroll around this container to experiment with flip and preventOverflow modifiers.

Modifiers (options from Popper.js)
      flip: {
        enabled: true,
      preventOverflow: {
        enabled: true,
        boundariesElement: 'scrollParent',
      arrow: {
        enabled: false,
        element: arrowRef,

Positioned Popper

Without transition Popper

Faked reference object

The anchorEl property can be a reference to a fake DOM element. You just need to create an object shaped like the ReferenceObject.

Highlight part of the text to see the popper:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ipsum purus, bibendum sit amet vulputate eget, porta semper ligula. Donec bibendum vulputate erat, ac fringilla mi finibus nec. Donec ac dolor sed dolor porttitor blandit vel vel purus. Fusce vel malesuada ligula. Nam quis vehicula ante, eu finibus est. Proin ullamcorper fermentum orci, quis finibus massa. Nunc lobortis, massa ut rutrum ultrices, metus metus finibus ex, sit amet facilisis neque enim sed neque. Quisque accumsan metus vel maximus consequat. Suspendisse lacinia tellus a libero volutpat maximus.

Complementary projects

For more advanced use cases you might be able to take advantage of:

PopupState helper

There is a 3rd party package material-ui-popup-state that takes care of popper state for you in most cases.