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Dialog API

The API documentation of the Dialog React component. Learn more about the props and the CSS customization points.

import { Dialog } from '@material-ui/core';

Dialogs are overlaid modal paper based components with a backdrop.


Name Type Default Description
children * node Dialog children, usually the included sub-components.
classes object Override or extend the styles applied to the component. See CSS API below for more details.
disableBackdropClick bool false If true, clicking the backdrop will not fire the onClose callback.
disableEscapeKeyDown bool false If true, hitting escape will not fire the onClose callback.
fullScreen bool false If true, the dialog will be full-screen
fullWidth bool false If true, the dialog stretches to maxWidth.
maxWidth 'xs'
| 'sm'
| 'md'
| 'lg'
| 'xl'
| false
'sm' Determine the max-width of the dialog. The dialog width grows with the size of the screen. Set to false to disable maxWidth.
onBackdropClick func Callback fired when the backdrop is clicked.
onClose func Callback fired when the component requests to be closed.

function(event: object, reason: string) => void
event: The event source of the callback
reason: Can be:"escapeKeyDown", "backdropClick"
onEnter func Callback fired before the dialog enters.
onEntered func Callback fired when the dialog has entered.
onEntering func Callback fired when the dialog is entering.
onEscapeKeyDown func Callback fired when the escape key is pressed, disableKeyboard is false and the modal is in focus.
onExit func Callback fired before the dialog exits.
onExited func Callback fired when the dialog has exited.
onExiting func Callback fired when the dialog is exiting.
open * bool If true, the Dialog is open.
PaperComponent elementType Paper The component used to render the body of the dialog.
PaperProps object {} Props applied to the Paper element.
scroll 'body'
| 'paper'
'paper' Determine the container for scrolling the dialog.
TransitionComponent elementType Fade The component used for the transition.
transitionDuration number
| { enter?: number, exit?: number }
{ enter: duration.enteringScreen, exit: duration.leavingScreen } The duration for the transition, in milliseconds. You may specify a single timeout for all transitions, or individually with an object.
TransitionProps object Props applied to the Transition element.

The ref is forwarded to the root element.

Any other props supplied will be provided to the root element (Modal).


  • Style sheet name: MuiDialog.
  • Style sheet details:
Rule name Global class Description
root MuiDialog-root Styles applied to the root element.
scrollPaper MuiDialog-scrollPaper Styles applied to the container element if scroll="paper".
scrollBody MuiDialog-scrollBody Styles applied to the container element if scroll="body".
container MuiDialog-container Styles applied to the container element.
paper MuiDialog-paper Styles applied to the Paper component.
paperScrollPaper MuiDialog-paperScrollPaper Styles applied to the Paper component if scroll="paper".
paperScrollBody MuiDialog-paperScrollBody Styles applied to the Paper component if scroll="body".
paperWidthFalse MuiDialog-paperWidthFalse Styles applied to the Paper component if maxWidth=false.
paperWidthXs MuiDialog-paperWidthXs Styles applied to the Paper component if maxWidth="xs".
paperWidthSm MuiDialog-paperWidthSm Styles applied to the Paper component if maxWidth="sm".
paperWidthMd MuiDialog-paperWidthMd Styles applied to the Paper component if maxWidth="md".
paperWidthLg MuiDialog-paperWidthLg Styles applied to the Paper component if maxWidth="lg".
paperWidthXl MuiDialog-paperWidthXl Styles applied to the Paper component if maxWidth="xl".
paperFullWidth MuiDialog-paperFullWidth Styles applied to the Paper component if fullWidth={true}.
paperFullScreen MuiDialog-paperFullScreen Styles applied to the Paper component if fullScreen={true}.

You can override the style of the component thanks to one of these customization points:

If that's not sufficient, you can check the implementation of the component for more detail.


The props of the Modal component are also available. You can take advantage of this behavior to target nested components.


The component can cause issues in StrictMode.
